
How Can You Lose Weight by Playing Tennis?

Do you wish to lose weight without giving up most of your favourite foods? Well, then tennis is the game for you. Yes, you can burn calories without doing a boring gym workout. Tennis is a more fun option to achieve your weight loss goals if you love sports.

Tennis is one of the most physically challenging sports. Playing the sport burns more calories than many other intensive sports like inline skating, aerobics, cycling, or netball.

It is a great sport to bring your body in perfect shape and lose excess fat. It is a high-calorie-burning activity, especially when you play singles. Here are the benefits of playing tennis:

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You burn a ton of calories!

Tennis, being a physically challenging game, helps you burn a lot of calories. Playing tennis can burn around 169 calories for women and 208 calories in just thirty minutes for an average man.

The fun fact is the more you weigh, the faster you lose weight. But you need to be careful about the intensity of the activity. One needs to be super energetic while hitting the balls. The more you move in the court, the more weight you will lose.

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Cardio tennis:

Cardio tennis itself sounds like something wanting your peak level energy. It is a high-intensity exercise program.

Cardio tennis is an appealing group fitness program featuring the heart-pumping effects of tennis drills, games, and skills, delivering the whole ultimate body and calorie-burning aerobic and anaerobic workout. It is a great way to get into a more dynamic lifestyle, meet new people, complimenting your playing skills.

Men can burn up to one thousand calories, and women can burn between 300 and 500 calories. It is a better option than running on a monotonous treadmill. Isn’t it?

Other benefits of playing tennis

You are not only going to lose weight by playing the sport. it also enhances the coordination between your hands and eyes, improves your reflexes, increases bone density, increases flexibility, improves your cardiovascular fitness. It increases your speed through a series of side-to-side and back and forth sprints to chase the ball and makes you ultra-flexible due to the constant stretching and manoeuvring to return the ball toward your opponent.

The game can be an enjoyable way to add a bit of change and excitement to your weight loss regime. Strive for at least thirty minutes of reasonably intense physical activity every day of the week or at least five days a week.

Most importantly, do not let a good tennis workout go to waste by exceeding your calorie intake. Balance your new game workouts with meals that are low in saturated fats to aid weight loss.

Read more: 5 Reasons why Tennis is best sport.

If you are looking at this sport as an option, why not learn it under the best guidance?

Online Tennis Course by Sania Mirza

A former doubles world No. 1 with six Grand Slam titles in her career, Sania Mirza is here to teach you tennis. Now you can lose weight and at the same time play like a pro. Even if you are the one who has never played it in your entire life, she will teach you to play right from the basics.

Do not miss this exclusive opportunity to learn how to play tennis from the star herself. Check out our website for more information, join Sania’s online tennis class now! Happy learning!

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