
5 Tips For Writing Audio Stories

Storytelling is as much a tool as it is a craft. From time immemorial, storytellers have influenced and shaped society. It is a talent whose importance can’t be discounted. Narratives hold the power to impact a vast population, especially in today’s Internet-driven world.

Writing scripts for audio stories is not unlike writing a book, but there are plenty of additional things to consider. In this blog, we will be imparting some helpful tips by means of which you will be empowered to write better stories. Whether you’re writing audio stories for leisure or hoping to bring about a huge impact, these tips will enhance your skills multifold.


Through audio stories, you monopolize one sense of your listeners: hearing. To completely captivate your audience, you can’t bounce between lots of themes because that can get confusing, especially if it’s a short piece. You need to pinpoint exactly what you’re going to convey and design your story around it.

Write in such a way that your theme is obvious to your listeners. Hint towards it through various elements in your story. Pick natural sounds that complement your theme. Outline your story in such a way that everything funnels down to what message you wish to communicate to your listeners.


The most common advice given to writers is: to read voraciously. Similarly, audio story writers should make it a habit to listen to podcasts daily. Listening to podcasts is great training for them.

You can become more creative, articulate and diverse if you adopt this behaviour. Listen to podcasts of different genres every day. This way, you get to wander off into unfamiliar territories and expand your horizons of knowledge. This will come in handy while writing audio stories.

But primarily, podcasts will help you map how each speaker is using their voice to their advantage. You can assess their tone, the various inflections they employ, the gravity with which they approach heavier topics and the humour they assume while speaking on lighter ones. You will notice each one’s narrative style is unique and eventually figure out what works for you.


“Without proper self-evaluation, failure is inevitable.” – John Wooden

If you want to make a career out of writing audio stories, this is a stepping stone you can’t miss. In fact, people at the top of their fields usually adopt this behaviour. They’re always creating for themselves when they’re not creating for their audiences.

So, even if you’re just a beginner and don’t have an audience yet, you can be your own audience. Brainstorm over a great idea for a story, materialize it into a script and then record yourself using a good quality recorder.

This exercise will gradually build up your skillset and before you know it, you will be a connoisseur at the art of audio story writing. You will have nailed a lot of nuances that you otherwise wouldn’t have. You will be zeroing in on your own abilities from a listener’s point of view. It’ll help you rectify a lot of shortcomings in no time.


While it is important to know your forte and stick to it, it’s a good practice to explore at the dawn of your career. You will probably miss out on the pleasure of finding the perfect fit if you declare a favorite genre without trying everything.

Playing with different genres will expand your palette. Each genre will help you master different emotions. A mysterious story will teach you how to keep your listeners on their toes. A romance story will teach you how to make your audience swoon.

Experimenting with different genres will not only dictate your future choices as to a favorite one but also prepare you to write adeptly at anyone. Since the knowledge of various genres will help you learn the distinctness of each one, you will be better equipped to delineate a genre while writing for it.


Charles Eames has proficiently quoted, “The details are not the details; they make the design.”

Art resides in the details. And for this very reason, you shouldn’t shy away from research. Researching your story well displays that you care enough about it to get your facts right. It also captures your audience to a greater degree than a poorly- researched piece. A well written and researched story has a distinguished pull and power to it.

So, if you are hoping to have your listeners in the palm of your hands, you will do well to research your story. Collect small tidbits to add as and when needed to your script to enhance it. Make sure you don’t force it into your script because that may seem off-putting to your listeners. Be sleek with what your script contains and write succinctly but beautifully. Paint a picture within numbered words.

If you are looking for a way to hone your skills in audio story writing, you have landed in the right place. Unlu’s Audio Story writer Fellowship is just the thing for you. It is a 3-month multi teacher program where you will learn straight from industry experts and celebrity mentors. Moreover, you will be able to collaborate with other artists on our platform, which will enable peer-to-peer learning as well as help you build meaningful connections. So what are you waiting for? Sign up now for Unlu’s Audio Story Fellowship.

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