
Difference Between Creative Writing and Content Writing

To a non-writer peering in from the outside, all writing may look the same – an arrangement of twenty-six alphabets patterned into some meaningful words put together. They lack the eye to tell different types of writing from one another.

But an experienced writer would appreciate the nuances between different forms of writing. They understand that ‘writing’ is an umbrella term that has taken a lot of subtypes of it under its wing.

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Creative writing and content writing are two schools writing can be divided into. If you are an aspiring writer and want to discover which form can be your cup of tea, keep reading and you might just come across your calling.

In this post, we will be exploring the concepts of creative writing and content writing in detail. Along with that, we will discuss the key differences between both types. Let us start with knowing the basics of creative as well as content writing.

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What is creative writing?

Essentially, creative writing is a writer letting their creative juices out through the ink onto the paper. Chapters from your English textbooks, Shakespearean plays, and even that personal journal you fill every day are all examples of it.

Creative writing provides an opportunity to the writer where they have the liberty to convey their imaginative thoughts, opinions, fantasies, and musings. Moreover, it does not have the constraints of business or academic writing. You can just find your rhythm and flow with it. Creative writing is your chance to flirt with out-of-the-box concepts and voice your ideas in the most verbose way.

Creative writing have more scope of liberty than content writing.

Creative writing is mainly for recreation. It is although not uncustomary for it to be done for commercial purposes too. It involves a writer’s deft penmanship showcasing their expertise at the language, imaginative narration, and employment of literary devices (metaphors, imagery, etc). They also have to tickle their readers’ fancy by using impressive themes, plots, etc.

Moreover, a writer needs to ensure originality in his content to reel in more readers and increase post engagement. Technically, any originally composed writing can be considered creative. In a nutshell, it is more of a process-oriented and contemporary term for what has been called literature over the years.

What is content writing?

Creative writing is mostly done for leisure with the intent of entertaining your audience. On the other hand, content writing’s aim is to attract a target demographic to stimulate your sales and engage more and more people with your brand.

It is a more professional type where you are creating content to spread the word and persuade an outlined target audience profile. Writing for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is just a subtype of content writing.

In contrast to creative writing, this form has some specified rules and requirements set forth by the clients. You are supposed to stick to them. Besides, your language has to be palatable for your target readers. Reader-friendliness is a very important characteristic in this field.

Content is a very important aspect of interacting with customers. It improves quality audience engagement and retention. High-quality and consistent content writing can connect brands with their customers deeply. Effective content writing encourages the audience to participate in your brand. Conveying genuine and attractive information to them will ensure that your customers keep coming back to you!

There are various uses of content writing.

Uses of content writing

  • Marketing or branding based writing
  • Technical writing (describing how to do something)

The writer is entrusted with the job of taking up an impersonal and objective tone. They have to remain impassive throughout the piece. In addition, they have to research the topic well and establish some expertise on it. You have to produce content that the readers find relevant and serviceable.

Key differences between creative writing and content writing

#1. The tone of voice

Creative writers can be more free while setting out a tone for their readers. This kind of writing is basically which uses their creative mind and ability to express themselves. If you are a creative writer, you can be in charge of selecting the appropriate tone for your write up.

On the other hand, content writers have to comply with a tone specified by the client that is well-suited for their branding. If you are a content writer, you have to learn how to incorporate a brand’s marketing strategy into your writing. Content writers have to stick to the ‘personality’ of their brand. Only then will the writing become acceptable and efficient.

#2. The flair of writing

Creative writers can embrace a chatty, colourful flair. Their writing can make extensive use of figurative language, jargon, modification of syntactic slots, tautology, etc. In short, unfiltered streams of consciousness can be adapted by them of their own will.

However, content writers need to adhere to a very clear, analytical and methodical style of writing. They urge the readers to uptake their products or services without coming off as overly persuasive. The choices are limiting and they need to stick to certain guidelines while writing the content

#3. Purpose of writing

Creative writing is mostly with the intent of amusing your readers. Contrarily, content writing is used to attract a target demographic to stimulate sales and engage more and more people with the brand.

SEO compliance often forms the basis for content writing. On the other hand, the algorithms of the search engine do not dictate a creative writer. This avoids the creation of limits or bounds for the creative writer.

Creative Writing and Content Writing have different purposes.

#4. Deadlines

To get your creative juices flowing, you can spend any amount of time you deem appropriate. Some days can go by unproductive too. But when it comes to content writing, clients set out deadlines that you have to comply.

The time constraint here plays a pivotal role. You need to ensure you can fulfil those demands while still creating engaging content. Content writing involves this factor of specific timelines. The time taken for creative writing is in the writer’s hands.

#5. Where to find them

Following forms of writing come under creative writing:

Novels, short stories, screenplays, theatre scripts, biographies, autobiographies, newspaper columns, personal essays, poetry, song lyrics, etc.

You can find content writing in the following places:

Product descriptions, Technical manuals, informative articles designed for SEO, website creation (including company blogs, digital storefronts), etc.

#6. Basic Nature(of creative and content writing)

Creative writing is any writing outside the boundaries of journalistic, academic or professional kinds of write ups. In creative writing, the author tries to create scenes, events and characters. It can be based on true facts too. However, it has a touch of the author’s personality to it.

Moreover, Content writing is based on facts and useful information to be provided to targeted readers. The purpose of it being audience engagement and retention.

Content writing faces a certain restriction in some way or the other. The purpose of it being audience engagement and retention. Content writing is restricted in some way or the other.

To sum up, creative writing is usually based on fiction or fictionalisation of some true account, while content writing is based on factual and deliberate information.

If you are still unsure on which form of writing is right up your street, you may want to try out our online writing class by one of the most celebrated Indian authors – Ruskin Bond. In this unluclass, he imparts important lessons to accomplish the journey from being a mere writer to calling yourself an author. Check it out to know more.

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If you are still unsure as to which form of writing is the best for you you may want to try out our online writing class by one of the most celebrated Indian authors – Ruskin Bond. In this unluclass, he imparts important lessons to make the journey to calling yourself an author.

Subscribe to Rusking Bond’s unluclass to learn writing online. Unlock learning now!

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