
How to write prompts on VED to get the best results?


In the realm of scriptwriting and story development, AI writing tools have become indispensable for writers seeking to refine their narratives and streamline their creative processes. One such tool is VED, a writing tool with advanced assistance especially built for screenwriters and Authors. It’s not just your normal tool which helps you in formatting your scripts and screenplays, it’s much more than that. VED comes with an AI copilot which can help you research, enhance and take your story and scripts to the next level and to make it pitch perfect.

To harness the full potential of VED, understanding how to craft effective prompts is crucial. This guide will walk you through the strategies for writing prompts that yield the best results, ensuring that your screenplay or story develops into a compelling narrative.

What is a prompt?

In today’s world of AI tools such as ChatGPT and Bard, there is a very common term that you must have come across, that is a ‘prompt’. For people who are not sure what prompts actually are, let me give you a quick overview.

In simple words, a prompt is a question or instruction given to an AI to get a specific answer or result. It tells the AI what to do or what information to provide, helping users get exactly what they need from the technology.

To understand how to use prompts in VED to make your story better, keep reading.

Crafting Effective Prompts for VED

Specificity in Prompts

When interacting with VED, the specificity of your prompts directly influences the quality of the output. A well-defined prompt should clearly state what needs improvement and how. For instance:

  • Prompt 1 Example: “Improve the emotional impact of the dialogue in this scene.” Here, you specify the element to improve (emotional impact) and on which part of the screenplay (dialogue).
  • Prompt 2 Example: “Enhance the synopsis by introducing a tragic backstory for the protagonist that influences their quest.” This prompt is more detailed, addressing multiple elements (character background, influence on plot) and directing VED on how to enhance the synopsis.

Using VED to Craft Loglines and Synopses

Elements of a Logline:

  • Main Characters
  • Conflict
  • Theme
  • Setting

When crafting a logline using VED, ensure your prompt includes these elements to create a concise and informative summary of your script.

Logline Prompt Example: “Create a logline for a story about a retired detective drawn back to solve a mystery involving his old nemesis, set in 1970s Los Angeles, highlighting themes of redemption and justice.”

Elements of a Synopsis (3 Act Structure):

  • Start
  • Conflict
  • End

For synopses, your prompt should outline the basic structure of the narrative to guide VED effectively.

Synopsis Prompt Example: “Write a synopsis for a screenplay where a young lawyer faces a moral dilemma when asked to defend a guilty client, leading to a climactic resolution where she must choose between her career and her values.”

Overcoming Common Writing Challenges with VED

Writer’s Block and Research

VED can be a powerful ally against writer’s block and the daunting task of research.

For Writer’s Block:
Prompt Example:Suggest three plot twists for my current storyline where the main character discovers his ally is a traitor.


For Research:
Prompt Example: “Ask VED for historical context about London in the early 20th century for my period drama.”

Script Formatting

VED also simplifies script formatting, allowing writers to focus more on content than form. By using the designated script section and pressing ‘ctrl’ or ‘command’, writers can easily apply formatting for characters, scene headings, dialogues, etc.

Formatting Example: While in the script section, pressing ‘ctrl’ + ‘5’ will automatically format the selected text as dialogue.

Or what you can do is when you are writing for say a scene heading, you can simply press ‘Enter’ and it’ll show ‘Action’ as the next item that you have to work on. Then you can start writing the ‘Action’.

Improving Narrative and Dialogue

To refine specific parts of your script or expand on ideas, VED offers intuitive options like “Improve selection” or “Expand.”

Improve Narrative Example: “Improve selection by making the conflict in this paragraph more intense and directly tied to the protagonist’s fears.”

Expand Dialogue Example: “Expand on this dialogue to reveal more about the character’s hidden motives.”


Leveraging VED for scriptwriting involves more than just understanding its features; it requires knowing how to effectively communicate your creative needs through well-structured prompts. By being specific and clear in your requests, you enable VED to provide targeted assistance that enhances your writing, from developing robust loglines to formatting scripts correctly. Embrace these strategies to transform your writing process and elevate your screenplay’s quality to professional standards.

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