The fiat currencies that we use come under the domain of centralized authorities. Whereas, cryptocurrencies are of a decentralized nature. Thus, you cannot find cryptocurrencies at a particular location like banks, etc. Cryptocurrency mining is the process of earning cryptocurrency. Through this the miners gain cryptocurrency as a reward for their work. Rather than actually paying for it. The idea of owning a cryptocurrency by working for it has made crypto mining popular. As cryptocurrency…
Cryptocurrencies that originated in 2009 have gained immense popularity today. Investors, especially young ones look at cryptocurrency as a good investment avenue. As of now, more than 4000 cryptocurrencies are floating in the market, but not all of them are the same. In fact, most people have not even heard about a majority of them. This excessive supply of cryptocurrencies tends to confuse people because a beginner with no knowledge might not be able to…
Being able to write brilliant literature is like magic. It looks seamless to your audience while you weave each piece together meticulously. Or it is like making the perfect cup of tea, looks simple but has to have the right ratio of all ingredients. Mugafi Ved – AI Storywriting tool What are these ingredients that account for the perfect recipe of amazing literature? How do the likes of J.K. Rowling, Dan Brown, Jane Austen or…
Every time you turn on the news nowadays, there is bound to be some news with Bitcoin in the headlines. Seen by many investors and businesses as the future of money, understanding about investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is essential for everyone today. But what exactly is Bitcoin and how to invest in it? Bitcoin is the first-ever and most popular cryptocurrency that started in 2009. At its inception, the value of Bitcoin was not even…
Cryptocurrencies have taken over the world in the recent past. People used to invest their money in stocks, mutual funds, and other conventional options. However, with the rising demand for cryptocurrency, people are now setting aside a portion for crypto investments as well. Indeed, the risk involved in cryptocurrency is relatively high, but the returns are substantial too. It is the risk to reward ratio that makes cryptocurrency a promising investment avenue. Unfortunately, many people in…
One of the most common struggles of people learning to sing is being unable to sing high notes. Everyone has a vocal range that they are comfortable staying within. However, if you do not learn to expand it on either side of the spectrum, a lot of songs might just remain outside your range. Being able to belt out powerful high notes is every singer’s dream. It brings them instant admiration and acclaim. We cannot…
OTT or Over the top platforms have taken up the place in our lives that cable television did a few years ago. In the contemporary world, people do not have the time to sit in front of their television sets all the time. Most people, especially young professionals spend a major part of their day either at work or commuting for work. This does not leave them with the time that they need to watch…
Do you know which game is synonymous with strategy, patience and mental stamina? Yes, you guessed it right. It is the game of chess. Chess is played by hundreds of thousands of people across the world. Not only that, but the masters say that this game transcends culture, language and even time! Mugafi Ved – AI Storywriting tool Having a very distinguished history, chess is known as one of the most popular games in the…
Most of us were introduced to the world of literature with short stories, fables to be exact. Slowly, longer storybooks and novels became a part of life. Without realizing it, we reached the stage where we would finish even a thick novel within days. How do authors write such compelling stories? It is all the magic of a beautifully crafted story and a sign of the author’s writing intellect. Mugafi Ved – AI Storywriting tool…
Short poetic forms are amazing for more than one reason. You can read most of them in under a minute and they are fun challenges that a poet should attempt from time to time, to sharpen their wits. When it comes to writing poetry, brevity can be a real struggle. Short forms force you to express ideas in a compressed manner, which often leads to highly emotive and saturated writings. Moreover, it is a great…