


When one talks about learning Acting, Method Acting is a primary process in finding a character and finding your acting skills. What all you need is Emotional memory, Character, Research, Commitment, and Practice. Before jumping into Method Acting techniques and tips, let us first understand what Method Acting is. Method Acting is a procedure of acting in which an actor seeks to encourage emotionally expressive performances by entirely inhabiting the role of the character. It is more…

The evolution of cinema and film direction has been remarkable through the decades. The entertainment industry is not just the show business these days, it is an employment and service avenue for millions of people. Individuals travel across the world to try and make their mark in this industry. Who would have ever thought that schools and universities would teach films as an academic discipline? Directing films is one of the toughest jobs in this…

OTT or Over the top platforms have taken up the place in our lives that cable television did a few years ago. In the contemporary world, people do not have the time to sit in front of their television sets all the time. Most people, especially young professionals spend a major part of their day either at work or commuting for work. This does not leave them with the time that they need to watch…

There are broadly two kinds of actors: One, who have made their mark upon the industry, and second, those who are still struggling. Have you ever wondered what makes an actor’s performance iconic in a movie? Why some actors can bedazzle their audiences with the characters they play on screen while others simply struggle to do so? Well, the answer is simple: method acting. Mugafi Ved – AI Storywriting tool If you are an aspiring…

Actors are placed on a metaphorical pedestal. They are portrayed as flawless creatures, role models, a yardstick by which the rest of the population is measured. Needless to say, these are highly inaccurate and unrealistic notions. But thanks to pop culture, actors often crumble under the burden of appearing picture-perfect. Critics tend to make headlines out of the slightest cracks in their persona and the word spreads quickly. This is only the tip of an…

Improvisation, or “improv” for short, in a performance consists of comedic sketches and scenarios which are made completely in the moment, without the help of a script. A performer immediately formulates an act, plot and dialogues without a rehearsal. Mugafi Ved – AI screenwriting tool Improv has to be unexpected, spontaneous and candid. The ability to work with any situation thrown at an actor, add humorous elements in different characters and to simply adapt will…