Arts and Entertainment

Film Direction: How to start directing?

The evolution of cinema and film direction has been remarkable through the decades. The entertainment industry is not just the show business these days, it is an employment and service avenue for millions of people. Individuals travel across the world to try and make their mark in this industry.

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Who would have ever thought that schools and universities would teach films as an academic discipline?

Directing films is one of the toughest jobs in this sector. It is the aspect on which everything else depends. Love for movies is just one of the few things that a director must have. Hard work and sheer consistency are two of the most important attributes to become a successful director.

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This article is for all of you who have dreamt of saying “Lights, Camera, Action!” in front of a studio crew. Here are a few tips on how you can start your directing journey:

Become a critic:

Be a critic and analyze the process of film direction to learn more!
Be a critic and analyze the process of film direction to learn more!

The path to perfect something begins when you start pointing out the flaws in it. Errors can be rectified only once we recognise them. You need to start your journey of direction by analysing other directors’ movies right from the beginning till the end.

Look for the tiniest errors that there could be. Whether we talk about acting, directing, editing, or continuity errors, identify each one of them. While you are at it, also try to note down things that intrigue you. Learning from successful directors can never go wrong.

Learn the ‘A’ of Acting:

It will become easier for you to direct actors when you know the craft well too. You can try acting out your own scenes or become a part of a drama group.

Ensure that you are aware of different acting techniques like method and classical acting. This way, you can relate with the actors while they are acting out the scenes. It even becomes easier for you to correct them in the process.

Work on short scripts:

Starting on a smaller scale before you hop onto full-fledged movie scripts is always a good idea. Directing is not a conventional job, it is an opportunity that you have to create for yourself.

Every director waits for the perfect script to knock on their door. But for this to happen, you need to know exactly what you expect from a script.

Start working on a script for a short film by yourself which you must direct as well. Try to understand each concept of the movie-making process thoroughly before you step into it yourself.

Work on your film direction visume:

Keep all your best work stored and use it in a visume! This is how a filmmaker can pitch his experience with film direction.
Keep all your best work stored and use it in a visume!

A visume is a video resume that portrays your work through visuals. In the field of directing, a video resume is much more effective rather than just a few words on a document. A visume would perfectly depict all the hard work that you have put into your craft.

Make the visume in a way that reflects your true abilities and passion to the viewer. Your best work must be a part of the visume. Do not try to make it “pretty” make it authentic and real, that is what people want to see.

Go to film sets and locations:

Going to film sets just as a director is not always necessary. Becoming a director is a long process that begins by involving yourself in the industry.

Whether you are a cameraman, runner, or just someone in the production crew, these roles will help you understand what goes behind the scenes well enough. All these roles are a step in the right direction, no matter how you might perceive them.

Network with more and more people from the film direction field:

Networking is the oxygen of the entertainment industry. You must always know someone who would know someone else, it is just how things work. When you know more people, the number of opportunities for you increase as well.

You might never know when your name pops up in someone else’s conversation, leading you to get a major opportunity.

Try to make your visume reach as many people as possible. On days when you cannot be present to pitch to someone, your visume should be able to do the job well.

When we begin new journeys, guidance from the right people plays an important part. What if we tell you that one of the best directors in the business could be on your screen to guide you through the journey?

Learn direction with Shashank Khaitan

Shashank Khaitan has managed to make his way into the film fraternity in a very short time. But all we read about is the successes and the positives. In thisonline direction course with Shashank Khaitan, you will get to learn all about the bumps that are considered normal in this journey.

In addition to this, you will get to learn everything about the industry from an insider. And lastly, the most important aspect, a step-by-step guide on how you must embark on this journey.

You get the chance to learn directing online through someone who has gone through it all. Do not miss out on this chance! Check our website for more information on this unluclass.

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