


You might be in awe of those who sing well with a guitar in their hands. That looks great, isn’t it? But at the same time, you also find it difficult to play the guitar while singing. You find yourself in a position where you can either play guitar or sing. Doing both things at the same time needs practice and is indeed challenging. Being able to do both things simultaneously is not only cool…

People with a good sense of humour are not born that way. Those people were born just like anybody else, they just mastered the art of being funny along the way. Being funny begins right from childhood. People tend to take up qualities and characters that they observe around them in the early stages of their life. Mugafi Ved – AI screenwriting tool No worries if you have not picked up such qualities and characters,…

A paragraph is a piece of writing that communicates a particular topic or theme. In a literal sense, a paragraph is a group of sentences on a specific topic. It is a basic form of writing as we write almost everything in segments, be it an answer, essay, story, email, etc. Mugafi Ved – AI Storywriting tool A well-structured paragraph is the core of good writing. It should not consist of mixed ideas that might…

Your vocal cords are your biggest asset if you are a singer. You need to look after them and safeguard them against all the things that lead them away from optimum health. Your quality of singing directly reflects the condition of your vocal cords and you can notice a gradual decline if you do not take care of them. There are many things that are known for disturbing your vocal cords. A few of them…

With everyone staying at home in these times, quality entertainment has become the new necessity. The jobs that create these masterpieces have seen a leap in demand. We can have great actors, writers, and producers ready to create the new show or movie, but the team would still be incomplete. All these people would not know what to do, and how to do it without the guidance of a good filmmaker(Director). The directors are the…

Bollywood is a tough wall to break and enter, specially for a film director. Even if you do get through the entrance, finding your place in the industry could be challenging. Do not get disappointed because of all the “godfather” rumors that you hear. Yes, having someone who has your back in the industry can make this process easier, but in no way does it mean that your capability will not be recognized if you…

Have you ever wondered how a film is made? The answer is surprisingly complicated. Making a movie is an art form that takes multiple people to come together and work towards one goal. This blog post will go in depth on what pre-production, production, and post-production are for the average film. Mugafi Ved – AI Storywriting tool Pre-production starts with the planning and scheduling of all the tasks that need to happen before shooting can…

Game days are full of emotion – excitement, nervousness, and an adrenaline rush are the most common feelings that you will experience. You will gain confidence for your tennis match(or any other sport) once you handle everything that is in your power. We know you have spent countless hours in practice, but there is so much for you to do, and not do before the actual game. To perform optimally during your tennis match, the…

The evolution of cinema and film direction has been remarkable through the decades. The entertainment industry is not just the show business these days, it is an employment and service avenue for millions of people. Individuals travel across the world to try and make their mark in this industry. Who would have ever thought that schools and universities would teach films as an academic discipline? Directing films is one of the toughest jobs in this…

Direction is an on-field job that requires you to stay on your toes. If there is an actor on set, you need to be there too to direct and guide them as their Film Director. What do you need to say to them? Should you be bossy or should you let things go? What do you do when things do not seem to go your way? These are questions that we will help you get…